Kindness makes a difference
Published 2:45 pm Sunday, March 25, 2018
Ah, kindness. What a simple way to tell another struggling soul that there is love to be found in the world. ~ Alison Malee
After being treated badly for years because of my scars, I realized that I had two choices. I could either A) treat other people as they had treated me, or B) treat other people the way I want to be treated. Once I decided to go with option B, I put my whole heart into it.
We are not going to like everything about everyone. Our flesh is always looking for the bad in others. God commands us, however, to love everyone. Kindness is a simple act of that love. When we decide to look past the imperfections of others — beyond their pain and suffering — and love them right where they are, then we are able to give them a glimpse of our Lord. God loves us all unconditionally. His love is not bound by restrictions or ultimatums. He doesn’t just love the ones who love Him. Even on the cross, after they had beat Jesus, He asked God to forgive them. What an example for us to follow!
Sometimes I still allow other people to irritate me, and find myself reacting to how others treat me, instead of reacting from the love inside my heart. This is a struggle for me. Regardless of how other people treat me, I get to decide how I am going to treat them. When we decide to react with kindness, then it pleases God. He wants us to reflect His love.
A wonderful example of His love and kindness was when I got saved. Broken hearted I made my way to the altar. As I knelt down to pray, the church gathered around me and prayed on my behalf. Hearing their prayers for me touched me in a way that I have never forgotten. That day God showed me the true power of His love and kindness. They unlocked Heaven for me with their prayers. Just knowing that Jesus died for me is the greatest love imaginable. They didn’t take His life, but He gave it freely for me (and for you). Because Jesus gave His life for me, I want to live for Him.
I was in the hospital once and a nurse brought me to tears with her kindness. Since I was really dehydrated, the doctor was trying to get some fluids in me fast. It made me so cold. They had tons of blankets stacked on top of me, but I was still shivering. One nurse heated a blanket and wrapped it around me. It instantly helped and brought me to tears. I’ve never forgotten how that simple act of kindness made me feel. And I continuously strive to pay it forward.
Every day we have an opportunity to make a difference in this world. If we would all commit to just one act of kindness a day, we could literally change our world. When we give as well as receive love, then it changes how we feel and how we perceive the world. The enemy wants us to focus on the bad things happening. We can defeat him by focusing on the good things, and then by striving to create more of the good.
Ways I show kindness….
Open a door for someone
Compliment someone
Help someone struggling
Pray for those who are struggling
Do something special for someone
Handwrite someone a thank-you note
React with love
Show compassion
Give someone a hug
I want kindness to be my default reaction, therefore I intentionally look for ways to be kind every day. The first place I start is inside my home. My goal every day is to show someone the love that God placed inside my heart.
Candida Sullivan is an award-winning author and inspirational speaker. She helps others to develop the mindset to overcome their circumstances. Her recent book, Despite Your Circumstances, won the 2016 CSPA Book of the Year Award in Christian Living. She lives in New Tazewell with her husband and kids. For more information about her books or to schedule her for your event, email her at