Stand in the Gap poster contest winners

Published 2:44 pm Thursday, June 20, 2024

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The Stand in the Gap Coalition recognized the winners of its nicotine awareness poster contest during their monthly meeting last week. 

First place and a $1,000 scholarship went to Brylee Ellisson. Second place and a $500 scholarship went to Alliei Jones and there was a tie for third place between Alie Overton and Levi Johnson who split a $250 scholarship.

Those awards were presented and all of the winning entities were gone over during the meeting.

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It was also announced that the group has three billboards in place across the county promoting Stand in the Gap’s message of getting young people to not use nicotine, alcohol or other drugs.

The group also talked about a new Tennessee Law that makes it a Class A Misdemeanor to sell any products containing hemp derived cannabinoid to anyone under the age of 21. HB 403/SB 378 makes it illegal to sell “gummies,” vapes or any other products containing synthetic marijuana to juveniles.

The next Stand in the Gap Coalition meeting will be Monday, July 8 at noon.