Spotlight on Education
Published 10:31 am Tuesday, December 5, 2017
In Claiborne County, school personnel, families and community members have worked to foster strength-based partnerships throughout the first half of the school year. This teamwork has been successful in supporting and empowering students and their families. These partnerships have utilized assets available in the schools, families and within the community to create the strengths that are enhancing the classroom environment. These partnerships have promoted caring and positive adult-child relationships which have, in turn, strengthened the students’ social support networks while fostering academic success. These partnerships have also given school families a sense of purpose and a common goal which is to develop our kids to their fullest potential — whatever that may be.
As we work together to build high achieving school environments and positive family supports, everyone in the community needs to operate by the old adage, “It takes a village.” As the new year quickly approaches, the Claiborne County Board of Education and all school system employees would like to thank all stakeholders for helping build a bright future for our students. Parent engagement is one of — if not the — leading factor contributing to student success and building a strong network of support for each and every student will be crucial as the year progresses. Working together, we will make a difference!
• Between the day children are born and the day they go to kindergarten, there are 1,825 days that a child’s brain is absorbing information.
• Music and movement augment children’s language capabilities during the pre-school years and all children reap long-term benefits from attending pre-school.
• One of the most impactful moments for a child is when they understand that a caregiver or teacher believes in his/her ability to learn.
• Children behave better when parents are involved in their education at home and at school.
• As soon as a child is two year old, they can begin to recognize letters, numbers and the association of sounds that go along with them. These pre-reading skills are an early indicator of a child’s ability to read and enjoy literature as a child, teen and adult.
• Is the number one predictor of early literacy success.
• Boosts student achievement.
• Is defined as “any variety of activities where parents participate in the educational process at home or in the school setting.
• Declines as students age.
• Is actually a better predictor of academic success than standardized tests.
• Is the foundation and the most overwhelming key to a child’s success.
• Barriers can be overcome by the school community by reaching out and building trusting relationships.
At the beginning of the school year, attend the school back-to-school night or other orientation events
• Get to know the teachers and other school personnel.
• Share your goals and listen to their plans for your child’s education.
Attend school events
• Go to sports events, concerts, student exhibitions, parent-teacher meetings, parents’ nights, awards events and “perfect attendance” celebrations.
Learn what the school offers
• Read the information the school sends home and the school’s webpage for helpful information.
• Talk to school staff and other parents to find out what programs are available.
Attend parent organization meetings
• Meetings give you a good chance to talk with other parents and to work together to improve the school, as well as, the chance to voice your hopes and concerns for the school.
Volunteer in your child’s school
• If your schedule permits, look for ways to help out at your child’s school.
• Volunteers are often needed to chaperone field trips or dances or help in concession stands.
• Serve on the school committees or advisory councils as a parent representative.
• Help on projects the school has in progress. A teacher or the principal will be glad to have the help.
• Volunteer to tutor students in areas such as reading, math, English, Spanish, computer skills, or other subjects.
• Work in a parent resource center or help start one. Here, parents may gather informally, borrow materials on parenting and children’s schoolwork and get information about community services
If work or other commitments make it impossible for you to volunteer in the school, look for other ways to help
• Volunteer to be a parent mentor for a family who may need assistance.
• Keep communication lines open with your child’s classroom teacher. Teachers are very willing to meet with parents when work schedules vary.
Clarifield Elementary
12-7-17 Christmas Celebration from Coal
12-12-17 Community Helpers Come to Clairfield
12-15-17 Santa Hat and Treat Day
Claiborne High School
12-1-17 CHS Band performs at WIVK Parade 7 p.m.
12-4-17 Middle School Tourney Begins 5-9 p.m.
12-9-17 National ACT Testing Date
12-18-17 CHS Band Concert 7 p.m.
Cumberland Gap High School
12-2-17 Snowball Dance 6-10 p.m.
12-7-17 Theatre Arts Play “Les Miserables” 6 p.m.
12-9-17 Theatre Arts Play “Les Miserables” 6 p.m.
12-8-17 Christmas Concert 7 p.m.
Ellen Myers Primary School
12-12-17 First Grade Family Engagement Literacy Night 7 p.m.
12-18-17 The Night Before Christmas Celebration
12-18-18 Pajama Day at School
Forge Ridge School
12-1-17 Seventh & Eighth Grade Field trip to The Nutcracker
12-7-17 4-H Meetings scheduled
12-15-17 Christmas Program 1:30 p.m.
12-18-17 Beta Club Field Trip to Biltmore
H.Y. Livesay Middle School
12-1-17 Basketball Homecoming Night
12-1-17 Pajama Day
12-13-17 4-H Program
Midway Elementary
12-2-17 District Cheer/Dance Competition 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
12-14-17 4-H Program
12-15-17 A Night on the Polar Express Family Engagement Program 5:30 p.m.
12-15-17 Midway Musicians Christmas Concert 7 p.m.
Powell Valley Elementary/Middle School
12-1-17 Scholastic Book Fair
12-11-17 PTIA Secret Santa Shop Opens
12-18-17 Polar Express Day/Guest Readers Visit (Elementary)
12-18-17 Santa Hat/Ugly Sweater Day (Middle)
Soldiers Memorial Middle School
12-6-17 Data Professional Development 3:30-5:30 p.m.
12-13-17 Content Professional Development 3:30-4:30 p.m.
12-18-17 Band Concert at Claiborne High School 7 p.m.
Springdale Elementary
12-8-17 Christmas Program 6 p.m.
12-11-17 4-H Program
12-15-17 Attendance Reward Drawings
TNT Primary School
12-4-17 4-H Program
12-8-17 Winterfest
12-14-17 Third & Fourth Grade Winter Dance
12-14-17 Third Grade Field Trip to the Muse
Alpha School
12-1-17 Food/Coat Drive Begins
12-6-17 Coats for Claiborne County (Coat Giveaway) 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
12-7-17 Coats for Claiborne County (Coat Giveaway) 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
12-15-17 Christmas Party and visit from Santa