Jesus loves the little children

Published 5:00 am Friday, September 15, 2023

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By Billy Holland

Contributing columnist

Last week we talked about how desperately we need to reach all children for Christ, and I still have much to say on the matter. God loves the little children and always made it a point to spend quality with them. Why? Because He knew that when a child learns about God and the eternal truth is planted deep within their hearts, it will always be there. One of the passages about that promise is found in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” This is talking about investing our time to show them what God says, demonstrating righteous behavior, and teaching them to resist temptation, standing for what is true even if it is not popular. Let us remember that Jesus loves the little children and no matter what the world believes or how we are persecuted for rejecting sin, protecting an innocent child is our responsibility.

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Our Heavenly Father’s ultimate plan for His divine truth is that His people would share this good news with everyone they meet, especially children. When we win a child’s trust, we are given an amazing divine appointment to introduce them to the gospel of Jesus. A sobering reality is that children are the largest mission field in the world. They make up twenty-five percent of the global population, and represent one hundred-percent of our future! We find a powerful passage in Psalm 78 that talks about how the scriptures were passed down to the new generations. The adults did not neglect to instill into the children the praises for the Lord, God’s miraculous strength and creative ability, His authority over all things, and the wonderful works He has done. We sit around and talk about how evil the world has become, but what are we doing to lead the children to Christ?

In verse five it says, “God established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children.” The next verse goes on to say these children would tell their children that they might set their hope in God and not forget the works of the Lord, but keep His commandments. This is a clear warning to every parent who declares they are following Jesus to receive this instruction with fear and trembling. Not only is this talking about our own children and grandchildren, but there are millions of children who desperately need to know about God’s amazing love, but how can we tell them?

It’s difficult to speak with the children running around in our neighborhood as we take a chance of being confronted for being a suspicious weirdo. I get it. Times are not like they were in the past. So, other than becoming a Sunday School teacher, which by the way is a seldom forgotten but excellent ministry, we can go through the proper legal channels and become involved with highly respected organizations like I mentioned last week called Child Evangelism Fellowship. Check it out on the internet and see if there is a local chapter in your area. Contact a field representative and learn how you can become involved. This is an area where we must have a burden for children or we will stay in our recliner. The same is true with prayer. Until our passion and conviction drive us to the front-line, God’s demands will mean nothing more to us than a passing conversation. If we could introduce and help lead one child to Jesus it would be worth everything.

A George Barna poll says that eighty-five percent of those who live for Christ today came to Him prior to their fifteenth birthday. Think about that. Children are the most fruitful mission field in all the world. When their impressionable minds receive God’s word, they will not depart from it, Proverbs, 22:6. Christians now have the opportunity to teach about God in the public schools with children who are eager to learn. Christians agree the Bible declares that Jesus paid for our sins with His blood and we have His promise of an eternal hope of salvation. Sadly, many say this is something for evangelists to worry about and missionaries that teach the gospel. Yes, there are warriors on the battlefield because they have a burden for lost souls, but why do many Christians not have this burden?

Billy Holland is an ordained minister, author, chaplain and worship leader. Discover more about the Christian life at