
Today is the best day to make a difference

BY TIM MILLS Contributing columnist Happy February already. If anyone thought they were holding back the reigns on ...


Financial Focus: Time for New Year’s financial resolutions

It’s that time of year when many of us promise ourselves we’ll go to the gym more, or ...


Financial Focus: Protect your assets from cyberthieves

Cybercrime is booming. In 2021, the FBI reported that cybercriminals scammed nearly $7 billion from Americans — a ...


Financial Focus: Add layers of protection to financial strategy

To achieve your financial security, and that of your family, you will need to create a comprehensive strategy. ...


Need a last-minute gift, look at downtown Middlesboro

What’s Up, Middlesboro? Just one more week until Christmas and then on to 2023. If you need any ...


Rudolph the Red Nosed Rein … dear?

By now you have no doubt heard the obligatory Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer song 10 times on ...


Mountain boy decides to become a witch

JADON GIBSON Contributing columnist The spooky season is here; a time of witches, ghosts and goblins. My stories ...


White-tail deer have advanced survival tactics

STEVE ROARK Contributing columnist I have written several articles about our native white-tail deer, and every time I ...

News Main

Dave Ramsey: Help! I’m behind on everything

Dear Dave, I need help. I am way behind on my basic utilities and my taxes. I have ...


How should you pay for short-term financial goals?

As you go through life, you will likely have long- and short-term financial goals. But how will your ...

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