
Gun control: 1 variable in vastly difficult problem

I long for the day when America’s children do not have to go to school in fear of ...


Who are you really?

Who am I?


Rejecting the cloudy logic of EPA ozone rules

The Environmental Protection Agency just missed a court-ordered deadline to announce which regions of the country are complying ...


The ‘tolerant’ left on today’s college campuses

A few weeks ago, I planned and hosted a State of the Union Watch Party for the students ...


Overcoming life’s hardships

Life can be so hard! The enemy is relentless in his attack on us. He doesn’t stop. Sometimes ...


We are unique in our own way

I read a story a while back, about two young girls that were playing on the front porch. ...


New beginnings

2018 is not only a new year, but for me personally, it already has been a year of ...


Judge less and love more

Why is so easy for us to see the faults with others, and ignore our own? How often ...


Someone remembers, someone cares

We’ve heard the old saying about how life was never promised to be a rose garden and we ...


Take back renewable energy’s taxpayer-funded honeypot

The renewable energy industry exists because of government mandates and taxpayer subsidies.

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