
Public records for 3-18

Public Records Compiled by JAN RUNIONS   The following public records are the only public records that have been ...


‘Hammer in the Gap’ to ring in the historic town

Anyone standing at the famous Pinnacle overlook on April 10 will hear the ringing echo of metal striking metal ...


Public Records for March 11

Public Records  The following public records are the only public records that have been made available to the ...


Becoming who God created me to be

Lately, I have felt unsettled in my life. It feels like I am missing something. But I’m not ...


TDHS announces round 3 P-EBT program

The Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) has announced the next round of the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer ...


Public Records 3/7/21

The following public records are the only public records that have been made available to the Claiborne Progress. ...


Ky. supports Tenn. law requiring waiting period for abortion

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron has joined a 21-state coalition in support of the constitutionality of the Tennessee ...


County finance director resigns; committee split on replacement

Claiborne County finance director Angelia Tucker has resigned her position effective March 31, creating a few disagreeable moments ...


Free online career day set for veterans

Veteran unemployment continues to slide down the COVID curve with the latest Department of Labor Report stating the ...


How to protect your heart when shoveling snow

This week’s cold weather, snow, and ice was a shock to many in communities throughout Kentucky. Extreme temperatures ...

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