
PVEC returns to regular billing policies after first wave of COVID-19

Powell Valley Electric Cooperative (PVEC) was among the first entities in the region to temporarily amend their policies ...


Public record Oct. 28, 2020

Public Records    The following public records are the only public records that have been made available to ...


TN smashes early voting record

As of the close of polls on Oct. 26, the 11th day of early voting in Tennessee, a ...


Claiborne Planners to hold public hearing on subdivision regs

The Claiborne County Regional Planning Commission will hold a hearing on Dec, 1, 2020 beginning at noon in ...


CUD water earns perfect score, again

The drinking water originating from the Claiborne Utilities District (CUD) has aced its test a third time in ...


Why do we pretend?

I can’t even tell you the number of times I have pretended to be okay, even though I ...


WSCC auditions talent for radio drama

Virtual auditions are being scheduled for the Walters State Community College fall production of “Vintage Hitchcock: A Virtual ...


For the Record

The following public records are the only public records that have been made available to the Claiborne Progress. ...


State responds to Hurricane Laura, west coast wildfires

As of Sept. 11, the American Red Cross of the Tennessee Region has deployed 69 volunteers in response ...


New deadline for hemp growers to report acreage

Only a few days remain for Tennessee’s licensed hemp growers to report their crop acreage to USDA’s Farm ...

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